KWEA Plant Operations & Maintenance Committee

Objectives and Goals

The Kansas Water Environment Association Plant Operations & Maintenance Committee’s objectives are to develop education and training opportunities, promote professionalism, and foster communication to benefit wastewater treatment plant administrative, operational, and maintenance personnel.

Activities and Duties

The Plant Operations & Maintenance Committee shall conduct, but not be limited to, the following activities:

  • Meet at least four (4) times per year to provide a forum for discussion of supporting plant operations and maintenance across the state.
  • Complete quarterly reports and submit them to the board liaison by the end of each quarter.
  • Complete and submit an annual report to the Vice President on the committee's activities at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting. The Vice President will compile the committee annual reports, distribute them to the Board, and turn them over to the new Vice President for use in assessing changes for the next program year.

Plant Awards Subcommittee

The Awards Subcommittee’s objective is to make recommendations for awards to treatment plants.

Safety Subcommittee

The Safety Subcommittee’s objective is to promote safety in the wastewater treatment field through the review of technical practices and dissemination of information related to the safe operation of wastewater treatment and collection systems.