KWEA Student & Young Professional Committee
Objectives and Goals
The Kansas Water Environment Association Student and Young Professional (YP) Committee’s objective is to recruit and encourage membership and activities of students and younger members (under 35).
Activities and Duties
The Student and Young Professional Committee shall conduct, but not be limited to, the following activities:
- Meet a minimum of four times per year.
- Coordinate membership drives with the Membership Committee, focusing on recruiting students and younger members.
- Report to the chair of the Membership Committee any conditions which may be adversely affecting student and younger member retention and/or restricting the growth of the membership of the Association.
- Encourage membership of vocational, technical, and college students in KWEA and WEF.
- Encourage the development of an annual technical paper contest at the Annual Conference.
- Help review candidates for the Stockholm Junior Water Prize.
- Identify and coordinate activities for students and young members at the annual conference, including a student and young member kick-off breakfast, networking, and recruiting opportunities, and annual competition awards.
- Coordinate activities for KWEA YP members on a recurring basis throughout the year, outside of the annual conference. The goal of these meetings and events will be to increase membership and provide an opportunity for networking and social opportunities.
- Encourage participation at WEFTEC, the KWEA annual conference, KWEA YP events, and other WEF-sponsored events such as the YP Summit.
- Complete quarterly reports and submit them to the board liaison by the end of each quarter.
- Complete and submit an annual report to the Vice President on the committee's activities at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting. The Vice President will compile the committee annual reports, distribute them to the Board, and turn them over to the new Vice President for use in assessing changes for the next program year.