KWEA Scholarship Committee
Committee Objective and Goals
The Kansas Water Environment Association Scholarship Committee’s objectives are to establish, maintain, and distribute funds to provide scholarships to students who are enrolled in accredited college, university, and/or vocational/technical schools within the State of Kansas. Scholarship awards will be made to students intending to enter career fields associated with the water environment industry and compatible with the objectives and goals of the KWEA.
Two classes of scholarships will be administered; 1) academic scholarships for four-year colleges and universities, and 2) technical scholarships to vocational/technical programs.
The composition of the scholarship committee is dictated by the constitution and bylaws of the Association.
Committee Activities
Committee activities shall include, but not be limited to:
- Administer the scholarship program as outlined by the KWEA constitution & bylaws.
- Conduct an annual review of program policies and requirements and revise as needed.
- Develop and maintain relationships with members of Kansas academic faculty at colleges, universities, and technical schools to identify potential scholarship candidates.
- Develop and administer a fund-raising program to solicit additional donations to provide funds needed for the program.
- Provide administrative oversight of invested funds contributed to the program to ensure a self-sustaining endowment.
- Advertise scholarship program through various venues (school newsletter, trade journals, and water industry magazines) to notify potential recipients of the Association’s program.
- Complete quarterly reports and submit them to the board liaison by the end of each quarter.
- Complete and submit an annual report to the Vice President on the committee's activities at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting. The Vice President will compile the committee annual reports, distribute them to the Board, and turn them over to the new Vice President for use in assessing changes for the next program year.