KWEA Nominating Committee
Objectives and Goals
The Kansas Water Environment Association Nominating Committee’s objective is to nominate a slate of candidates to be presented to the membership at the annual meeting.
Committee Structure
The Nominating Committee shall consist of the three (3) immediate living past presidents, as required by the constitution and bylaws. Supplementing the constitution and bylaws, the most recent past president will serve as the committee chair unless otherwise agreed upon by the committee.
Activities & Duties
The Nominating Committee shall conduct, but not be limited to, the following activities:
- Responsible for those duties specifically ascribed to it by the constitution and bylaws.
- Oversee the individual Nominating Committee subcommittees for the individual WEF awards, including the following:
- Life Membership Awards: Nominees will be provided to the Nominating Committee by the WEF Secretary-Treasurer.
- Arthur Sydney Bedell Award and William D. Hatfield Awards: The Committee will receive award nominations from subcommittees comprised of the last three living awardees for each award and approve the nominations.
- Provide all WEF nominations to the Secretary-Treasurer at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting.
- Review and make recommendations to the Association Board for improvements to the procedures for the nomination of officers and WEF award recipients.
- Provide articles and information about award recipients for publishing in Splashings.
- Complete quarterly reports and submit them to the board liaison by the end of each quarter.
- Complete and submit an annual report to the Vice President on the committee's activities at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting. The Vice President will compile the committee annual reports, distribute them to the Board, and turn them over to the new Vice President for use in assessing changes for the next program year.